The Music and Art Center of Greene County, the first and oldest classical music summer concert series in the region, offers an opportunity to hear outstanding musicians perform in the architecturally unique Grazhda hall. An integral part of the Ukrainian cultural complex built around St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, the Grazhda is situated in the beautiful natural setting of the Catskills in the Hunter area, a region that has experienced a remarkable growth in cultural awareness and new opportunities.
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Established in 1983 by composer and musicologist Dr. Ihor Sonevytsky, the Music and Art Center has become an established presence in the region and on the Ukrainian cultural scene in general.
Among eminent artists who have performed at the Grazhda in the past were Metropolitan Opera bass Paul Plishka, pianist Alexander Slobodyanik, violinist Oleh Krysa, composer Myroslav Skoryk, Kyiv Opera tenor Anatoliy Solovyanenko and soprano Maria Stefiuk, as well as the Leontovych String Quartet.
General information – performance schedules, changes and updates, as well as detailed directions and membership information – is available online at: Information is also available by calling 845-514-2960 or 517-980-1295 (July 1 – September 4). Inquiries may be addressed by e-mail to: [email protected].
Concerts are held at the Grazhda on Saturday evenings at 8 p.m., with tickets available at the door.
The Grazhda is located on Rt. 23A in Jewett, N.Y., 5 miles west of the town of Hunter and 2 miles east of Lexington.
Music and Art Center of Greene County is supported by funding from the Greene County Council on the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union, members and private donations.
ГАНТЕР, Н. Й. – На сьогоднішній день Музична серія концертів при Центрі української культури в Гантері здобула собі визнання одного з видатних фестивалів клясичної музики, де існує нагода почути кращих українських та інших видатних артистів.
Музична серія заснована в 1983 році композитором і музикологом д-ром Ігорем Соневецьким, (яка провадиться під назвою “Music and Art Center of Greene County”), а від 2003 р. під проводом піяніста Володимира Винницького – як нового музичного керівника.
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Управа ЦУК з наміром поширити членство цієї неприбуткової організації запрошує стати прихильниками Центру та музичної серії. По дальші інформації просимо звертатися на адресу: “Music and Art Center of Greene County”, P.O. Box 20, Jewett, NY 12444. Тел.: 845-514-2960 або (1 липня – 4 вересня) або в Інтернеті:
Управа ЦУК з наміром поширити членство цієї неприбуткової організації запрошує стати прихильниками Центру та музичної серії. По дальші інформації просимо звертатися на адресу: “Music and Art Center of Greene County”, P.O. Box 20, Jewett, NY 12444. Тел.: 845-514-2960 або 517-980-1295 (1 липня – 4 вересня) або в Інтернеті: [email protected].
Архітектурний об’єкт “Ґражда” становить частину Церкви св. Івана Хрестителя і служить місцем літньої серії концертів.
As a non-profit organization, the Music and Art Center invites interested individuals, businesses and commercial concerns as well as institutions to become members and thus increase the membership base, which provides a substantial portion of the financial support that enables the center to work on the development of current and future programs.
If you are currently a member or sponsor, we kindly request that you renew your annual commitment of support. Without your financial support, which accounts for 40% of our revenue, we would not be able to carry on our work or allow for the development of current and future programs.
To join or to contribute, please choose a membership category, and reply to the address provided. Your membership fee/donation is tax-deductible.
We ask that you send in your membership fee/donations by June 1, in order for us to recognize contributors in the concert program.
We extend our thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at the Grazhda this summer.
Music and Art Center of Greene County
P.O. Box 20
Jewett, NY 12444
tel: 845-514-2960 ор 517-980-1295 (July 1 – September 4)
Email: [email protected]
The Grazhda is located on Rt. 23A in Jewett, N.Y., 5 miles west of the town of Hunter and 2 miles east of Lexington.
It is within an hour’s drive from Albany, via New York State Thruway, Exit 21-Catskill; and two-and-a-half hour’s drive from New York City, via New York State Thruway, Exit 20-Saugerties.
Map courtesy of MAPQUEST.
Music and Art Center of Greene County is supported by funding from Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union, the Greene County Council on the Arts, the Peter Kellogg Trust, private donations, memberships, and admissions.